Come and find out what KS1 have been up to here!
Year 1
Year 1 have enjoyed engaging with a daily activity to promote wellbeing including mindfulness breathing, arts and crafts and stories such as The Invisible String,
This week in maths we have been been finding the difference using part-whole models and number lines as well as writing the fact families for the number bonds to 20. We have also recapped our KIRFS learning this half term on counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. In English, we have been studying the poem Nut Tree by Julia Donaldson. Firstly, we identified rhyming words and adjectives in the poem. We then learnt the poem off by heart and performed it with actions to a very impressed Mrs Bracegirdle. In science, we observed the changes that happen to deciduous trees through the seasons. In geography, we described the weather features of a thunderstorm including lightening, thunder, heavy rain and wind. We have produced some wonderfully creative and colourful self-portraits in art using our collaging skills inspired by Henri Matisse.
Key Messages
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
This week’s common exception words were the spellings of the numbers one, two and three
This week’s KIRFS learning counting backwards in 10s (consolidating counting forwards in 10s
This week’s key vocabulary: rhyming, thunderstorms, deciduous trees
Year 2
We have been talking about the children’s wellbeing this week and supporting this with strategies and activities to help us clear our minds and feel calm and content (pictured). The children used all their scientific knowledge to answer questions about which materials would be the most suitable for Jack to use when climbing his beanstalk - “I think wool is best for a coat because I have observed that it is warm and non reflective so the giant won’t see him.” We also used Jack’s story to inspire us to write a diary entry about his interesting couple of days, ensuring that we used the first person. Wellbeing and safety has been discussed during computing (linking in with Internet Safety Day on Tuesday) and the children have shown us how sensible they can be when faced with pop ups and requests for personal information. Well done Year 2.
Key Messages
Please remember to keep Reading Records and books in bags and bring to school everyday. Do let your teacher know if they have been lost.
We will be recycling any lost property at half term
This week’s spelling rule is the suffix ‘ly’ as in sad/sadly, brave/bravely
This week’s KIRFS learning 2 times tables
This week’s key vocabulary:reflective, non reflective, multiply, divide, altogether, first person