Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
This week in Reception, we have designed and created headdresses for our carnival day. In English, we have used the sounds and red words we have learnt so far to label our headdresses and write sentences to describe what our headdresses will look like. In science, we have continued to explore our topic on changing states further. We have used jelly to show the change from a solid, to a liquid and back to a solid again. Children have enjoyed being ‘scientists’ this term and can share with you at home, during half term, the new language they have learnt (observe, liquid, solid, change). In maths, we have explored the length of different objects using mathematical language such as longer/longest and shorter/shortest. The children particularly enjoyed using non standard measuring equipment to measure how long their friend’s are and their class mascot. In the creation station, the children have used a range of different media to create jellyfish and crabs. In free learning, the children have been using popcorn and sand to compare and measure capacity. They have also enjoyed developing their cutting skills by cutting out outfits which would be suitable to wear on a holiday to Trinidad and Tobago. The children have been strengthening their fingers through fine motor activities including making patterns using pegs and peg boards. Our new sounds in phonics this week have been: oo (poo at the zoo) and oo (look at a book).
Key messages
Thank you for coming and looking at the children’s books on Wednesday, it was lovely to see you all enjoying seeing the progress the children have made. We are so proud of them all!
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Reading books: please note we don’t expect children to be able to read the story books that they have chosen to bring home. They are for you to read to them. Please note, any books brought in after Thursday morning will not be changed.
Please remember to check your child’s bag every day in case they have brought home anything from school, or in case they have a first aid slip.
We have run out of all our spare clothes because they haven’t been returned. If you have any of our clothes at your house please send them back in. Please also remember to make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag, even if they are not a child who usually has an accident.
Donations of old leggings/trousers, tights and compost would be hugely appreciated.
Wednesday 7th - The children will be having an assembly to be introduced to the steel pan. They will be having an opportunity to listen to and have a go at playing the steel pans.