Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
This week, the children have been writing their letters to Father Christmas. They have asked politely what they would like him to bring them. Next week, we are going to take a little trip to the post box outside school, where they will post their letter to him. We have been practising our writing a lot, and have also been writing sentences about Christmas pictures. In maths, we have learned about zero and have been practising our subitising from 0-5. In free learning, we have done some experimenting with cornflour; it got a little bit messy! We have also done a collage of Father Christmas, and have been busy making a Christmas card to our family.
Key messages
FAMILY STORY TIME: We will be having a family story time on Wednesday 20th December at 2.50pm in your child’s classroom. Please come if you can, sit down with your child and enjoy a story that the class teacher will read to them.
We would also appreciate any donations of compost to make our ‘mud kitchen’ even more fun for the children!
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Reading books: we will not be sending reading books home over the Christmas period. However, please continue to read to them over the holiday.
Please remember to check your child’s bag every day in case they have brought home anything from school, or in case they have a first aid slip.
We have run out of all our spare clothes because they haven’t been returned. If you have any of our clothes at your house please send them back in. Please also remember to make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag, even if they are not a child who usually has an accident.
Phonics - we have recently assessed the children in their phonics. Please note, your child may now bring home a ‘ditty sheet’; this is a sheet of paper that has some short sentences for your child to read, including red words.