Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
Our penultimate week in Reception has been filled with exciting activities and learning experiences. The highlight was a captivating workshop about dinosaurs. The children participated in a thrilling fossil hunting activity where they unearthed replica fossils, learning about the different types of dinosaurs and their habitats. The excitement continued as they met baby dinosaurs, an interactive experience that sparked their imagination and curiosity about prehistoric times. In addition to the dinosaur adventures, the children spent time writing about their favourite seasons. They shared what they loved most about each season, from the blossoming flowers of spring to the snowflakes of winter. A special part of the week was when Year 5 students visited to listen to the children read. This took place in our beautiful learning garden. The younger children enjoyed reading their books aloud, gaining confidence and receiving encouragement from their older peers. This week, the children also attended the Year 6 production. They were mesmerized by the performances, which showcased the talents and hard work of the older students. It was a wonderful opportunity for the younger children to see what they can achieve in the future. The children are very excited to bring home their learning folders and writing books this week and have been so proud of their progress since starting Reception back in September.
Key messages:
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Now the weather is finally getting warmer please ensure your child has a sunhat in school with them everyday (clearly labeled) and that you apply sunscreen before they come to school.
We are hoping to add a water butt to our Learning Garden so if any families are no longer using theirs or know of any gardeners keen to recycle an old one, it would be gratefully received.
We won’t be sending books home now, so please continue to read with your child using the Oxford Owl website: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students
You can use the login details:
Username - reception.23
Password - gem23
- Tapestry - you should (hopefully!) receive a link to download your child’s Tapestry journal for the year. If you haven’t by next week, please email eyfs@vineyard.richmond.sch.uk to let us know, and we will try to resolve it!