Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
As we draw closer to the end of the year, we are thinking about our transition to Year 1 - how exciting! The children have been visiting the Year 1 classrooms and they have been encouraged to ask any questions and talk about their feelings. For our topic lesson, we were thinking about places that are special to us and why. In our community, there are lots of lovely places we can go to relax, play and laugh. The children were encouraged to think about their special place and share this with a talk partner and then to the class. As part of our writing activity, we have shared several photos of different activities the children have enjoyed over the year. The children learnt how to use the past tense to share their favourite memories of Reception with the class. This theme was enhanced in free learning, where the children had the opportunity to paint their favourite memories. In maths, the children were using key vocabulary, such as left, right, forward and backwards, to create a sequence of instructions. First they followed written instructions with arrows for directions and then they learnt how to input a series of directions onto the Code and Go mice. Each child thoroughly enjoyed inputting a set of instructions so that their mouse could find the cheese!
Key messages:
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Please continue to give us donations of clean recycling to add to our junk modeling as we use it throughout the year - egg boxes, small boxes, toilet rolls etc.
Jade and Topaz class had their last Vineyard Adventurers Session on Thursday 4th and Opal class and Gems will have their last session on Thursday 18th. Please make sure children come in their PE kit with long trousers to cover their legs, with some wellies and a waterproof coat. If they have waterproof trousers, please send them in too.
Now the weather is finally getting warmer please ensure your child has a sunhat in school with them everyday (clearly labeled) and that you apply sunscreen before they come to school.
Monday 15th July 2.55-3.10pm - Reception family story time. We would like to invite you to come and listen to a story being read by your class teacher with your child.
We are hoping to add a water butt to our Learning Garden so if any families are no longer using theirs or know of any gardeners keen to recycle an old one, it would be gratefully received