Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
This week in Reception was filled with adventure and discovery as we delved into the world of fossils and learned about Mary Anning. Our journey began with captivating stories about Mary Anning's life, highlighting her groundbreaking fossil discoveries when she was digging in the sand at the beach. The children were surprised that because she was a woman, others took credit for the discoveries she unearthed. Our week included an exciting fossil hunting activity where the children transformed into young paleontologists. In our learning garden, they used tools to dig through sand and uncover replica fossils of dinosaur bones and ancient sea creatures. In addition to our fossil-themed activities, we also focused on mathematics by writing subtraction stories using symbols. The children created simple subtraction scenarios, such as “five dinosaurs were on a rock, and two jumped into the sea, how many are left?” Using symbols like minus signs and equals signs, they illustrated these stories on a whiteboard. This activity helped them understand the concept of subtraction in a fun and engaging way. We also incorporated art and craft sessions, where the children made a giant volcano out of papier mache. We painted it with acrylic paint, and can’t wait to make it erupt to conclude STEM week. The children also made volcano pictures by blowing paint through a straw to make an erupting lava effect. We were very lucky to have a workshop as part of STEM week; there was a focus on gravitational force and then they each made a rocket out of a straw.
Key messages:
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Please continue to give us donations of clean recycling to add to our junk modelling as we use it throughout the year - egg boxes, small boxes, toilet rolls etc.
Vineyard Adventurers will be continuing; please make sure children come in their PE kit with long trousers to cover their legs, with some wellies and a waterproof coat. If they have waterproof trousers, please send them in too.
Now the weather is finally getting warmer please ensure your child has a sunhat in school with them everyday (clearly labelled) and that you apply sun cream before they come to school.
Thursday 11th July - Reception Festival of Sport 1.45-3pm
Monday 15th July 2.55-3.10pm - Reception family story time. We would like to invite you to come and listen to a story being read by your class teacher with your child.
We are hoping to add a water butt to our Learning Garden so if any families are no longer using theirs or know of any gardeners keen to recycle an old one, it would be gratefully received