Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
This week the children have been learning about habitats; they have described and compared different habitats. The children spent time in the learning garden building habitats, using different resources, such as leaves, twigs, and sticks. In English, the children have been writing their own non-fiction books; they have written facts and drawn their own illustrations with labels. In maths, the children have been introduced to addition stories; they have used the language ‘first, then and now’ to solve simple addition number sentences. During free learning, children used maths manipulatives and number cards to fill in the missing numbers on a number line to consolidate their number recognition to 20. In phonics, we have been revisiting set 3 special friends - ea (tea) and oi (coin). In the creation station, the children have reviewed their learning of colour mixing and learnt about warm and cold colours. The children used water colours to make a landscape picture and then used watered down black paint to make a tree as a silhouette by blowing through a straw. Observing with delight, the children have been eagerly waiting to watch the caterpillars make their chrysalises and now we are waiting for the caterpillars to turn into beautiful butterflies! The children have enjoyed going to Vineyard Adventurers; they have explored this environment and hunted for different minibeasts in their different habitats.
Key messages:
Friday 24th May - ‘Bug Ball’ - your child can come to school dressed as a minibeast for the day to conclude our minibeast topic this half te
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Please continue to give us donations of clean recycling to add to our junk modelling as we use it throughout the year. Egg boxes, small boxes, toilet rolls etc.
Vineyard Adventurers has started; please make sure children come in their PE kit with long trousers to cover their legs, with some wellies and a waterproof coat. If they have waterproof trousers, please send them in too.
- We are going to Urban farm on 21st May and will be getting a coach there and back. If your child gets travel sick, please let us know in advance so we can be prepared for it, and preferably seat them near the front. If your child gets sick when travelling, please pack them a spare change of trousers, jumper and t-shirt.