Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
This week in Reception, we have looked for, and discussed, all the signs of Spring. The children enjoyed sorting spring flowers and blossoms according to their colours in our class tuff trays; creating spring flower patterns on our light box and with our small parts and writing sentences identifying the signs of spring on our writing tables. In maths, the children learnt all about 3D shapes and identified the differences between cubes and cuboids as well as discussing the properties of spheres, cones, cylinders and pyramids. In the learning garden, the children completed a spring hunt checklist and looked for different 3D shapes in the environment . In the creation station, they created salt dough Easter decorations and finger painted some spring pictures as well as making 3D spring characters out of plasticine. The children have all enjoyed writing their ‘Evil Pea’ wanted posters this week- they were able to describe our villain, and his crimes, and even offer some impressive rewards (including a trip to Australia!). In phonics this week, we have been consolidating our sounds. The children really love challenging themselves by decoding ‘alien words’- why not try and challenge your child at home by creating some nonsense words using the sounds we have learnt.
Key messages
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Donations of old leggings/trousers, tights and compost would be hugely appreciated.
Please continue to give us donations of clean recycling to add to our junk modelling as we use it throughout the year. Egg boxes, small boxes, toilet rolls etc.
The flower beds in our learning garden are looking a little sad so we would love to brighten them up. If you would like to donate any bedding plants, such as pansy or primrose or any herbs, they would be gratefully received.
Please could we have any donations of yogurt pots, cress seeds/ sunflower seeds/ broard beans and cotton wool for the children to experiment with growing after half term.
This year, we will be participating in a fundraising day for the NSPCC, Number Day! On Monday 25th March, we will be inviting the children to come to school dressed in maths-themed outfits, as they embark on a fun-filled day of maths activities and games. All money raised will be used to support NSPCC services, such as Speak out, Stay safe, and Childline.