Extracurricular News

The Spring Extracurricular preview timetable has been released. Online booking opens Thursday 14 December 7pm
New to Spring Term is:
English club – This is a club for children where English has not been their first language.
Gymnastics Floor for years 1-4 – this club focusses on floor gymnastics, rolls, cartwheels, handstands. The club is aimed at beginners. If popular this club will work on a rotation so the instructor sees and improves the skills of as many children in the school as possible.
Netball years 4-6 An extra Netball club has been set up on a Tuesday PM due to the demands of the Wed AM session.
Street Dance – years 3-6 Funky Moves are going to run a street dance session with a focus on TikTok dances. We hope this will inspire boys and girls to dance!