Lunchtimes at School
Radish provide our delicious cooked school meals. We have our own chef and catering team who prepare all the food on site. They offer hot and cold options which provide a good nutritional balance and enable the children to pick from a range of healthy choices.
Most parents and carers at The Vineyard School choose for their children to have a hot school dinner. However, there is the option for children to bring in a packed lunch. We ask that the parents and carers who choose the packed lunch option for their children provide them with a healthy, well-balanced lunch. The NHS's Change4Life website provides tips and advice on this.
The Lunchtime Experience
The school is committed to providing a welcoming dining environment that encourages positive social and cultural interactions between all of our pupils.
We are also committed to
- Promoting good table manners
- Encouraging children to wash their hands before eating
- Providing active help for children (particularly young children) who find the physical process of school dinners or packed lunch difficult, for example carrying trays or opening tubs and packets
- Encouraging all children to eat the food they have been provided with
- Equal treatment of children having school dinners and packed lunches, in terms of provision and supervision
- Providing water for everyone
We currently have a number of children in school with severe allergies to nuts and other foods. For this reason, please ensure that if your child brings a packed lunch to school that it DOES NOT contain nuts or nut products. Please also stress to your children the importance of not sharing or swapping food with anyone else at school.
Radish Fresh Food and Supplier Policy
Food Safety Statement
Primary Education Sector Nut Policy
Radish Cater Safe Policy
Radish Churchill Health & Safety Policy
Dietary Requirements
If your child is a vegetarian or has any dietary requirements due to allergies, medical conditions or for religious reasons, please ensure you make the school aware (via the School Office) so that the catering team can provide meals that are in accordance with these restrictions.
- Hot School Meals Commencement / Cancellation Form
- Radish Primary School Information
- Radish Sugar Facts