LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to here!
In English this week, Year 3 children have become authors! They have done a fantastic job at writing their own version of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and have been so creative with their ideas! In maths, we have continued to learn about length: comparing lengths, converting mm to cm and converting cm to m. We would encourage you to keep practising this skill at home measuring different items around your house. In geography, we have been comparing two very different locations in North America, Alaska and Florida. We have compared the climates of both places, as well as the landscapes. Ask your children if they can remember some of the key differences. In science, we have started learning all about the different layers of soil you can find under your feet. The children drew some fantastic diagrams and wrote about what each layer was useful for. In art, we continued with our L.S Lowry inspired pictures, adding more detail to the foreground.
Key Messages
- Key vocabulary: topsoil, subsoil, substratum, bedrock, climate, landscape, millimetre, centimetre, metre
- Spelling rule: the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’ (like brochure, chef, machine)
- KIRFS: x4 tables
Year 4
On Tuesday this week, we went on a school trip to develop our learning in both art and geography. With our artist hats on we took photos of the landscape from Terrace Gardens which we will use for Stephen Wiltshire-style drawing over the coming weeks. With our geography hats on, we looked at different features of the River Thames, spotting some deltas and a meander. We continued our geography learning in the classroom by looking at the key features of the River Nile using Google Earth. This week in English we have continued our learning focus on a newspaper article, working on eye-catching, snappy headlines. In addition to this, we have begun our introduction to our new paper, setting the scene for what is to come. In maths we have developed our understanding of perimeter, applying our knowledge to rectilinear shapes, as well as regular and irregular polygons.
Key Messages
Spelling: suffix ‘-ion’
KIRFS: x12 tables
Key vocab: pitch, volume, perspective, tributaries, fertile