UKS2 News
Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to!
Year 5
It has been a week of change in English, with a new text, Lost Happy Endings, by Carol Ann Duffy and a new reading book, The Little Match Girl Strikes Back, by Lauren Child. The school is also starting to adopt a new writing methodology, called boxed success criteria, to focus the children’s understanding on the purpose and audience of their writing. Ask your child/ren about their first impressions. Maths has seen us move on this week from multiplication to its inverse, division. The children have also worked in groups on some impressively advanced geographical skills relating to their trade topic, noting that certain key features of the UK (temperature, hours of sunlight, land height, population density and coastal access) are closely linked to its key exports.
Key Messages
The children are thinking about about the absorbance and durability of cleaning materials for the week ahead for their materials topic in science. Please support them with readily available household materials.
A year group trip to The Globe will run on Tuesday 21st March. Please see the email about payment details for further information. Thank you.
Year 6
This week in Year 6 we have been planning an obituary for Macbeth who was killed by Macduff. We created a story arc of Macbeth and thought about the exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action and conclusion. In science we created two different types of circuits (simple and series), we drew our circuits into our books using the correct symbols. During our P.E slot we have been continuing with developing our gymnastic skills. Computing has been fun as we are starting to improve our skills of spreadsheets and inputting data into cells. During our PSHE we continued to think about our goals, hopes and dreams. Doing this has been really enjoyable as it makes us consider our futures and what they have to bring.
Key Messages
- The children will be thinking about continuous data during our Geography topic. The children will also be thinking about contrast, texture and detail in our art session.
- Any questions for the Year 6 team please contact us via the Year 6 email -