KS1 News
Come and find out what KS1 have been up to!
Year 1
This week in Year 1 maths we have deepened our understanding of numbers within 20 by estimating missing numbers on a number lines to 20. Taking on the role of Yeti we have been practising our letter writing skills to stay in touch with bird and find out what he has been up to using questions. We have built on our knowledge of the parts of plants by observing and comparing the features of a range of real life plants. Art began with a self-reflection on the collages created last week and our collaging skills were further developed by experimenting with layering different textures. In geography, we looked at a weather maps of the United Kingdom and introduced the different weather symbols including mist, hail and overcast.
Key Messages:
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
This week’s common exception words were the days of the week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Year 2
In maths we have used grouping and sharing to help us with division problems. The additional work we have been doing on our quick recall of two times tables is also proving useful during this topic. There has been much amusement over Roald Dalh’s interpretation of Cinderella in Revolting Rhymes. This has inspired us to write lots of similes and expanded noun phrases. We have also been looking at writing speech with techniques such as inverted commas and speech bubbles. Testing different balls, in science, to see which material had the properties that would make the most bouncy dragon machine was really interesting and we observed that the rubber ball was a clear winner. We have also been discussing our goals and setting an achievable target to work towards in PSHE.
Key Messages:
Please remember to keep Reading Records and books in bags and bring to school everyday. Do let your teacher know if they have been lost.
This week’s spelling rule is the ‘soft c’ as in cell, city and excellent.