KS1 News
Come and find out what KS1 have been up to here!
Year 1
We have had a fantastic week in Year 1! In particular the children have enjoyed being artists, inspired by Henri Matisse, and have made their own collages. We explored cutting and tearing different shapes using tissue paper and thought carefully about how we could arrange them in our sketchbooks. In geography, we added the 4 capital cities of each country to our maps of the United Kingdom. We enjoyed using the atlases again to make sure we were labelling the right city. In PE we considered what it meant to be a good sport and we discussed how it felt to win and loose. The children were able to reflect on their own achievements and skills and what they have improved on.
Key Messages
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
This week’s common exception words where, were, here
Year 2
We have really been enjoying our English new text The Dragon Machine. This has given the children lovely opportunities to use their imagination and develop their use of expanded noun phrases. The design of their own dragon machine links with our science topic as the children can use their key words such as material, property, flexible and rigid in their writing. We began our multiplication topic in maths with practical work, separating objects into equal groups and have moved on to recording our findings using the addition and times operations. The artist Keith Haring has proved very popular and the children have produced some fantastic artwork inspired by his work. Finally, we have been lucky with the weather for our first day of scooter training. The children have enjoyed learning these essential safety skills.
Key Messages
Please check the lost property boxes as they are becoming rather full.
This week’s spelling rule is the ‘or’ sound written as ‘a’ before ‘l’ or ‘ll’ (always, already, small, tall)