LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
We finished our maths topic of multiplication and division by exploring how this helps us with scaling (three/four etc times the size) and calculating how many different combinations can be made. There has been a recap of standard units of measurement and how to measure things accurately as we start to look at measuring in metres, centimetres and millimetres. The children will go on to use this knowledge adding measurements together and finding the difference (one type of subtraction).
English has continued with looking at what is beneath our feet and the earth’s core in preparation for writing an explanation text using techniques such as paragraphs, sub headings, technical language and coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Do you know what a rhetorical question is? At the next open classroom, you will find many examples of them in our big write.
In science, the children have learnt how fossils are made. Did you know that fossils are not actually bones and take millions of years to form?
There has been a lot of conversation about the work of Lowry in art who claimed to have used tones of only five colours. This inspired us to use primary colours to make tints of secondary colours using white and shades by adding black. All this against the backdrop of listening and singing along to Matchstick Men (apologies to those who thought they would never have to hear the song again).
Would you rather live in a temperate or tropical climate? This is what we asked ourselves in geography last week. We agreed that whilst warm, sunny climates are inviting, the risk of heavy rain and tornadoes was less so. Despite the week’s stormy weather, we’ve learnt that those who live in a temperate climate, such as the UK and the USA, are less likely to get the extreme weather seen in the Caribbean.
This week: 27.01.25
Spelling rule: Adding suffixes beginning with a vowel eg: forgetting, forgotten
Key words:
Maths: equal groups, repeated addition, array, commutative, multiples, multiply, divide, product, quotient
English: recount, time adverbials, coordinating conjunctions, sentence opener
Science: absorb, permeable, impermeable
Geography: Landscape, landform, vegetation, wildlife, humidity
Maths facts: 3 x tables
Next week: 03.02.25
Spelling rule: Creating negative meanings using prefix ‘mis’ eg: mislead, misbehave
Key words:
Maths: equal groups, repeated addition, array, commutative, multiples, multiply, divide, product, quotient
English: recount, time adverbials, coordinating conjunctions, sentence opener
Science: fossil, sediment
Geography: vegetation, wildlife, humidity
Maths facts: 3 x tables
Key dates:
- Friday 31st January - International Day
- Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February - half term
Year 4
Last week, the year group were treated to a talk from television writer - and Vineyard parent - Cat Jones, geared towards highlighting exciting creative opportunities that exist in the world of work. While this is being sent out, the whole school will be benefiting from family members showcasing something from their international lives - be this clothing, language, dance or crafts. We are so fortunate to have such a diverse parent body who are happy to share their expertise in school. Thank you to all families who have taken part.
This week, everyone has written their newspaper report. This has involved juggling several new writing skills, alongside practising more familiar ones such as fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses. Children have worked hard to understand the formalities of writing direct speech and how to summarise events from different points of view.
Maths learning, perimeter this week, continues to underline the importance of children being able to recall their times tables accurately. This not only develops their speed, but also builds their confidence. Please continue to support your child with Times Tables Rock Stars and encourage them to ‘go green’.
We have seen many keen and confident circuit-builders this week as theoretical understanding in science has moved onto the exciting task of building circuits, including one with a switch that turns a light on and off.
Onyx and Zircon have been developing their proficiency in their indoor PE this half term. This has included a medley of skills, including catching, building strength and endurance, and developing their reaction time. Carnelian have continued to make progress with their swimming.
Finally, all classes across the school have been practising presenting their ‘show me’ boards (mini-whiteboards) in lessons. This is a key strategy for teachers to check learning ‘in the moment’ and ensure any misconceptions are dispelled at the point they occur.
This week: 27.01.25
Spelling rule: Nouns ending in the suffix -ation
Key words:
Maths: perimeter, length, width
English: fronted adverbials, quotations, direct and indirect speech
Science: circuit, conductivity, conductor, insulator
Geography: human features, physical features, flooding, leisure
Maths facts: 12 x tables
Next week: 03.02.25
Spelling rule: Adding prefix ‘under’ (to mean under) or ‘super’ (to mean above)
Key words:
Maths: rectilinear, polygon, regular
English: apostrophes for plural possession (the girls’ names), subordinate clauses, time conjunctions.
Science: switches, circuits, light, components
Geography: River Nile, irrigation, drought, physical features
Maths facts: 12 x tables
Key dates:
- Friday 31st January - International Day
- Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February - half term
- Monday 3rd March - visit to British Museum to look at Egyptian artefacts
- Tuesday 29th April - Onyx class assembly
- Wednesday 30th April - Zircon class assembly
- Thursday 1st May - Carnelian class assembly