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Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.

Last week, the children enjoyed our STEM workshop, which was all about adaptation and camouflage. The leader explained to the children how animals need to find ways to protect themselves from predators. The children had the opportunity to design their own butterflies and adaptive background for them to hide in. In the creation station, children created firework pictures using black paper and chalk, and we also did printing activities using toilet rolls and paint. We introduced the children to using colourful semantics to construct sentences. The children were really proud of their sentences and enjoyed sharing their imaginative ideas with their class. Using our autumn bags, the children wrote simple sentences to describe what they can see in autumn. The children tried hard to think of the initial sounds and had a go at using ‘Fred fingers’ to write simple words. As part of our topic learning this week, we learned about Remembrance Day. The children enjoyed making poppies to honor the soldiers who have died. We held a two-minute silence, during which the children were very respectful. In maths, we introduced new vocabulary with the term equal. The children put different objects into groups and were able to say whether the groups were equal or not. Thank you to all the families who attended our meetings this week; we hope you found them useful and are impressed with how much progress the children have made in such a short time.





Key messages:

  • We have noticed that increasingly children are eating their breakfast at the school gates and the classroom door. Please can we ask that children are not eating food at the door and have finished their breakfast before school.

  • We began handing out reading books last week. Please bring these back on Wednesday, in their named folder, in order for your child to receive new books the following day. Please write a short comment in their reading record.

  • A reminder that children are not to play on the climbing frame or use the school equipment before and after school, including siblings.

  • Please can you continue to give us donations of clean recycling to add to our junk modeling as we use it throughout the year - small boxes, toilet rolls etc. However we cannot accept anything that once contained nuts, eggs or fish.

  • Please can you make sure your child comes into school dressed in their full PE kit with trainers every Thursday.

  • Christmas play - Wednesday 11th December (Opal class), Thursday 12th December (Topaz), Friday 13th December (Jade). This week, please look out for a costume letter and if your child has a speaking part in our Nativity performance this will also include the lines that they need to learn at home.