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LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.

Year 3

Despite the wet autumnal weather, Year 3 managed to have a successful and interesting geography field trip last week.  Insightful observations were made about the Thames which helped to underpin the children’s understanding of the different stages of a river.  This week, we looked at what happens to rivers as they reach the sea, learning words such as delta and mouth.  Other investigations have been made in science as we looked at the different types of skeletons that animals have.  Did you know that a crab grows out of its exoskeleton so has to remove itself from it and develop a new one that fits?  We have also considered the role that the muscles play in supporting and moving our bodies and learnt that muscles often work in pairs to contract and extend.  In art when recreating Paul Klee’s Three Houses, the children produced some beautiful pieces that demonstrate their understanding of tone to create depth and emotion.  The book The Worries has been an enjoyable text for our reading sessions and we have particularly enjoyed reading aloud and acting out parts of the story.  It was a relatable text for everyone and a good opportunity to remind us that we all have worries from time to time and how useful it is to talk about them.  We also finished our work with Sparky in English and are now looking at the poem The Garden Year.  We have delved into lots of different poems and thought about the different features we could include in ours.  Finally, learning French has given the children the tools to greet each other, ask and reply to questions about names and how they are doing and count up to 10. Au revoir for now!



w/b 07.10.24

Words with /ur/ sound spelt with ear (eg. earth, early, learn, heard)

Key words: ascending, descending, greater/less than, nutritional, classify, immune system, body, skeleton, vertebrate, invertebrate, spine, tributary , main channel, meander, erosion, floodplain, deltas, mouth 

Maths facts: 10 and 100 more nor less


w/b 14.10.24

Spelling rule: Homophones & near homophones (eg. here/hear not/knot))

Key words: addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, difference, commutative, inverse, similes, personification, alliteration, muscles, contract

Maths facts: 10 and 100 more nor less


Key dates: 

Tuesday 15th October - Open Classroom - 8.45 - 9.15

Tuesday 15th October - Behaviour For Learning Workshop 09:15-09:45

Thursday 17th October - PTA BINGO night 

Wednesday 23rd October - End of half term


Year 4

Year 4 has had a really positive last couple of weeks. Despite the weather, our geography fieldwork day was a huge success! The children enjoyed exploring our local surroundings in Richmond and thought greatly about the human and physical features. After gathering a variety of different information, the children created a walking map, showing how the River Thames is used. 

On Wednesday 9th all of Year 4 visited WWT London Wetlands Centre. Their day was filled with lots of excitement and learning. During the day, the children were given a ‘bird ID’ talk by one of the London Wetlands Centre workers. They were able to use their knowledge of biomes to help uncover where certain birds had migrated from and why they had migrated. The children were also thoroughly entertained by the ‘adventure playground’ that the centre had to offer. 

Inside the classroom, the children have been showing off their creative side during their Islamic tile designing. Using bright colours and symmetry, the children have been mapping out their own designs, which they will bring to life using clay. 

The year group have finished their place value topic in maths and have now moved onto addition and subtraction. All adults have been overly impressed with the children’s motivation, ability and presentation during the place value unit and we look forward to seeing this continue throughout the year. 

In English, ‘The Barnabus Project’ has entertained the children and allowed for some excellent classroom discussion. Every child has picked one of the ‘imperfect pets’ that they will write a character description about. So far, we have loved seeing the children use fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to make their ‘imperfect pets’ come to life!



w/b 07.10.24

Spelling rule: Homophones and near homophones (which/witch)

Key words: addition, subtraction, habitat, migration, kneading, adverbials, biomes

Maths facts: Number bonds to 100


w/b 14.10.24

Spelling rule: Words with shun/ ending spelt ‘sion’ if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ and ‘d’

Key words: precipitation, water cycle, exchanging, sum, evaluating

Maths facts: Number bonds to 100



Key Messages: 

  • A reminder that children should be bringing in a healthy snack (fruit or veg) for their break times. Thank you.


Key Dates:

Tuesday 15th October - Open Classroom - 8.45 - 9.15

Tuesday 15th October - Behaviour For Learning Workshop 09:15-09:45