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Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.

This week in Reception we explored colour mixing. The children experimented with primary colors, using their handprints to blend 2 colours together and commenting on what new colour they had made. These looked amazing hanging up in our shared area. They discovered how red and yellow make orange, and blue and yellow create green. In phonics, we focused on the sounds t, i, n, p, g, o, c, and k. We have been practicing recognising initial sounds and have even had a go at blending CVC words together. In English we have been focusing on rhyming words. We have read lots of rhyming stories such as Oi Frog and Superworm and listened carefully to the words that rhyme. During our maths sessions, we have concentrated on the numbers 2 and 3. We used the stem sentence 1 and another 1 makes 2 and 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3. We used objects around the classroom to make the numbers 2 and 3, using the stem sentences to help us. In our topic learning we learn about where our school is and the country we live in. We looked at lots of pictures of places familiar to us such as Terrace Gardens, the River Thames and Richmond Hill Bakery. We practiced saying our school is in Richmond. We then went on to say that the country we live in is England and had so much fun zooming in and out on Google Earth! Overall, we have another 2 lovely weeks in Reception, well done everyone!




Key messages:

  • Tuesday 15th October  - Open Classrooms 8:45-9:10

  • Tuesday 15th October - Behaviour For Learning Workshop 09:15-09:45

  • Thursday 17th October - PTA BINGO night

  • Star moments occur every Friday. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate their achievements that they have at home with you in our weekly year group assembly. You can write in the star template what your child has achieved, eg. riding a bike for the first time, getting a medal in football, helping lay the table at home etc. Please place the stars in your child’s bag ready for the class assembly and these will be displayed in the classroom. You can find an electronic copy of the template here.

  • A reminder that children are not to play on the climbing frame or use the school equipment before and after school, including siblings.

  • Please can you give us donations of clean recycling to add to our junk modeling as we use it throughout the year - small boxes, toilet rolls etc. However we cannot accept anything that once contained nuts, eggs or fish.

  • Please can you make sure your child comes into school dressed in their full PE kit with trainers every Thursday.

  • Can you believe we are already thinking about our Nativity performance? Please let us know if for religious/personal reasons you would prefer for your child not to be involved in this.

  • The parent workshop for EYFS phonics, is being held on Zoom at 9.30am on Monday 21st October. Here we will talk about what phonics is, and how you can best support your child at home.

  • Please remember not to use teachers' personal email addresses’.  All communication with your child’s teacher should go through