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KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.

Year 1

We have dived deep into our learning and have done some exciting work for the past 2 weeks. We have finished the book What We’ll Build by Oliver Jeffers, designed our dream home filled with sparkly swimming pools and tall tree houses, and written down sentences detailing what our dream home features. We have then kick started our new book, ‘Beegu’ with a space crash that happened over the weekend in our learning garden! The children found a lost alien in their classrooms and have been immersing themselves in the story of Beegu and how the alien might be feeling. We are adding finger spaces, capital letters and full stops into our sentences. In maths, we used various manipulatives such as numicon and tens frame to successfully represent numbers to 20. We are now practising how to write number words and match them to their numerals. We are really focussing on making sure our numbers are formed correctly. The children were very excited to use their bodies and senses to explore their surroundings in science. We have learned which body parts are for which senses and have predicted which is the best sense to use to explore different things. For example, we use our tongue to taste different fruits, our eyes to see different patterns and our fingers to touch different textures. We are continuing to explore Yayoi Kusama in our art lessons, where we have used different tools to recreate her polka dots, and sketching an outline to create an artwork similar to that of Yayoi Kusama. In geography, we have looked at aerial photography and maps comparing them and choosing which one we prefer to use. Some children prefer the aerial photograph because it looks more realistic and others prefer the map because the symbols give them more information.




w/b 16.09.24

Keywords: adjectives, numbers to 20, sight, hear, smell, taste, touch, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, fingers, aerial photograph, dots


w/b 23.09.24

Keywords: adjectives, numbers to 20, aerial photograph, maps, outline, sketch, sight, hear, smell, taste, touch, eyes, ears, nose, tongue



Please ensure your child brings their reading folders in with their reading record and books on Mondays. 

The reading record should be signed by an adult five times. 

All hair needs to be tied up- half up and down needs tying completely back. 

Please ensure your child has a book bag- we cannot safely house rucksacks due to our limited space.



28.09.24 (Saturday): hobby horse competition at school

02.10.24 (Wednesday): Fieldwork Day


Year 2

This week has been very interesting with the introduction of our new book, ‘Traction Man’. Traction Man is a superhero who saves household items with the help of his pet, ‘Scrubbing Brush’. So far, the children have been on a hunt to spot our superhero in the school building. Miss Gabriel hid 13 photographs around the school and the children used prepositions to describe where they were hiding. We have been reading the story ‘Me and You’, and had a workshop on this, where the children were encouraged to role play different scenes from the story. The classes have discussed how the different characters might feel at various points in the story.  We love celebrating reading by coming to school in our pyjamas, and Miss Reilly even read the children a story outside. In maths, we have continued to dive deeper into place value and our understanding of number. The children have shown courage, tackling the tricky job of writing numbers in expanded form. For example, 73= 70 + 3 or even 73= 60 + 13. In science, we have started to investigate how different animals grow. This week, we are looking at the life cycle of a swan, discussing the changes a swan goes through as it reaches adulthood. From looking into this, the children will discover that some life starts as an egg, and offspring don’t always look like their parents to begin with. Finally, in art, we have been exploring repeated patterns and experimenting with printing. We created patterns with objects in our environment and then used various items to see what worked best when printing. Next week, the children will design their own wallpaper print, choosing how they would like to do it independently. 

We are really looking forward to fieldwork day on Wednesday. Thank you to those who have offered to help.




w/b 16.09.24

Keywords: partition, number sentence, equal, tens, ones, adjectives, prepositions, cygnet, swan, egg, hatch, incubate, city, town and village 




Please ensure your child brings their reading folders in with their reading record and books on Mondays. 

The reading record should be signed by an adult five times. 

All hair needs to be tied up- half up and down needs tying completely back. 

Please ensure your child has a book bag- we cannot safely house rucksacks due to our limited space.



28.09.24 (Saturday): hobby horse competition at school

01.09.24: School Photos  (individual/sibling) please send children to school in uniform, NOT PE kit. 

02.10.24 (Wednesday): Fieldwork Day