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LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.

Year 3

Our first term in Year 3 has started fantastically.  The Year 3 team are so impressed with how well the children have settled and their enthusiastic attitude towards their learning.  In English, the whole school is immersing themselves in the beautiful text What We’ll Build.  The children have been thinking of what dream house they would like to build and how others could help them.  What other things could we build together?  “My family helps me build my life so that I am ready for things that I am not ready for yet.”  Maths has begun with a reminder of the place value of ones and tens so that it can help us understand what the value is in hundreds.  This learning is being underpinned by fluency sessions focussing on counting in tens and hundreds and pattern spotting (if I know there are 3 tens in 30 how does that help me understand how many tens in 300?).  We are continuing our learning in science about the survival of animals building on our key knowledge from Year 2.  The children looked at the options of three desert islands and had to decide which one had the optimum conditions to sustain life. The conclusion was the island that could provide water, food and shelter and a comfortable place to sleep would be best.  Despite the chilly weather, we have all had great fun in PE outside by learning and developing strategies in games such as 4 square and ‘Oops’ that we can play during break.  Working together, over the last two weeks, we have been building new friendships and goals to set everyone up for a positive and productive year ahead.




w/b 09.09.24

Spelling rule: Words with the long

/ai/ sound spelt with ei (eg. eight/neighbour)

Key words: survival, shelter, air, oxygen, food, water, river, channel, bank, Thames, Paul Klee, lines

Maths facts: 10 and 100 more nor less


w/b 16.09.24

Spelling rule: Words with the long /ai/ sound spelt with ey (eg. they/prey)

Key words: survival, shelter, air, oxygen, food, water, source, waterfall, primary, secondary, tertiary colours

Maths facts: 10 and 100 more nor less


Key dates: 

Friday 20th            PJ reading day - bring in a £1

Thursday 26th       New to The Vineyard Coffee Morning 9.15am


Year 4

Year 4 have had a fantastic return to The Vineyard! Last week we focused on transition to year 4, and the children remembered and learned new expectations in their new year group. We discussed our diversity as a class and celebrated our similarities and differences, with everyone looking forward to learning from one another throughout the year.

This week, we started our new book by Olivrer Jeffers, What We’ll Build. This is a text being taught in every year group across the school, and in year 4 the children will be writing a setting description using the descriptive tools they learned in year 3. In maths, the children have recapped their understanding of place value, and have considered place value in the thousands, counting up to 10,000. Our science unit on the states of matter and water cycle started with an exciting practical experiment where children explored and considered the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Art has seen the start of our unit on sculpture - Islamic art, with children experimenting with repeated geometric patterns. In geography, we are building upon our understanding of climate, and have considered how lines of latitude, and proximity impact upon climate. We are thrilled to have our first year 4 school trip coming up soon! We will be going to the London Wetland Centre, which will be a memorable and valuable experience, with links to our geography and science curriculum.

We hope that our recent Meet the Teacher meetings were helpful, and all of the year 4 teachers are looking forward to working with families (and children!) this year.




w/b 09.09.24

Spelling rule: Words with the /aw/ sound spelt ‘augh’ and ‘au’, e.g. caught, autumn

Key words: precipitation, Equator, latitude, solid, liquid, gas, state of matter, thousands

Maths facts: Number bonds to 100, counting in thousands


w/b 16.09.24

Spelling rule: Adding the prefix in- (meaning ‘not’ or ‘into’) e.g. incorrect

Key words: biome, particle, solid, liquid, gas, geometric pattern

Maths facts: Number bonds to 100, partitioning to 1000



Friday 20th            PJ reading day - bring in a £1

Thursday 26th       New to The Vineyard Coffee Morning 9.15am

9th October           Year 4 school trip to London Wetland Centre