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Reception News

Sentence writing in Reception! 

This week, the Reception children have been busy doing their nativity plays. After lots of practice and hard work, one class performed each morning, with the other classes joining in with the songs and supporting their friends. The children loved wearing their costumes and having the stage lights on them. They got a huge round of applause at the end, and most of them loved being on stage; they were such naturals!

We have also been busy making gingerbread men decorations for the Christmas Fair, and also making our very special decorations to sell during the fair. We are feeling all festive, and can’t wait to end the term doing more lovely celebrations!

In phonics, we have continued to practise Fred Talk using our special friends - sh/ch/qu/ng/nk/th. They can be hard to spot in words, but we are trying our very best. 

In maths, we learnt about night and day and ordering events that happen in our day. The children loved having a go at creating their own timetable for their perfect school day!


Key Messages

Nativity Plays Thank you so much for all coming to watch the nativity plays! We hope you are as proud of them as we are. If anyone would like to donate their child's costume to us, we would be very grateful. 

Scooting on site Please remember that children need to walk alongside their scooters and bikes once they are on the school site. 

Reading Folders Please make sure these are returned on Wednesdays. It takes the teachers time to change all the books, and we can not do it on another day. Also, this week you will notice that we have begun using stamps to record the children's targets in their reading records. 

Coats Please practise putting on and taking off coats with your child so that they can become more independent. 

Parent Volunteers Please speak with your child's class teacher if you would like to volunteer in the Spring term.