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Vineyard Recommended Reads

Introducing the Vineyard Reading Challenge for the summer half term holidays. The competition is to find the most exciting place to read, take a photo of you reading in that place and send it to the year 5 inbox:

The deadline for submissions is Sunday 2nd June and the winner will receive a free book of their choice as well as a feature in next terms recommended reading section. You will see a fantastic early submission of Lily in year 3 who is taking the time on a car journey to read about volcanoes, a topic which she is currently studying). 

Best of luck!



A recommendation for the holidays:


Rex: Dinosaur in Disguise Paperback by Elys Dolan

Reading Age: year 3 - year 5

Genre: science fiction, humour & illustration


A genuinely hilarious book, which won the Alligator's Mouth award last year.

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