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UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.

Year 5

What an exciting first week of Summer Term it's been in our classrooms as we delved into a rich tapestry of learning experiences! 

Shakespearean Splendor: Our entry into the world of Shakespeare was met with enthusiasm and curiosity from our amazing students. Through interactive activities and lively discussions, students were introduced to the timeless genius of the Bard. We started by looking at phrases which were created by Shakespeare, our classrooms were alive with the magic of Shakespeare's words.

In mathematics, we ventured into the realm of statistics. We began our week by creating line graphs and then using these line graphs to answer questions. Through practical applications and problem-solving exercises, students gained a deeper appreciation for the role of statistics in everyday life.

Our science explorations took us into the intricate world of plant anatomy and physiology. Through a plant dissection students learned about the diverse features of plants and their essential role in ecosystems, fostering a deeper connection to the natural world.

Geography lessons transported us to the vibrant landscapes and cultures of the Caribbean. From studying its natural disasters to exploring its rich history and cultural heritage, students gained a deeper understanding of the region's significance and its role within the broader world.



Key Messages

  • Key vocab: stamen, stigma, Caribbean. William Shakespeare, statistics, line graph,  two-way table.

  • KIRFS: decimal bonds to 1 and 10

  • Spellings: words containing the letter string ‘ough’

  • Friday 26th April: Earth Day dress up day

  • Saturday 27th April: Vine-Yard Sale hosted by the PTA


Year 6

We can’t believe it’s the Summer Term already and Year 6’s last term at The Vineyard! 

Thank you for supporting your children to complete lots of homework over the holidays. We know that plenty of practise of the key skills will help them to feel confident and well-prepared when it comes to sitting their SATs in just a few weeks’ time. Over the next three weeks, we are going to be doing some extra maths and reading and grammar revision at school to make sure everyone feels ready and confident. 

This week, we completed our piece of narrative writing based on Kensuke’s Kingdom and have written up final pieces in our extended writing books. Children have focused on including setting descriptions, conveying character through dialogue, adding exciting action and coming up with a powerful ending, whilst also sprinkling it with varied punctuation and ambitious vocabulary - lots of think about! We can’t wait for you to read them.

We took a break from all of this on Wednesday though, with a brilliant burger making day. Having thought about the nutritional value of burgers on the market and designed their own burger last term, Year 6 got down to some cooking and tasting this week. The children made burger sauce with Mr Kennerson, mixed up ingredients for their individual patties with Miss Daborn and did some taste-testing of toppings with Mrs Thompson. Everyone then cooked up their patties and assembled their burgers in the afternoon for a second lunch, making the rest of the school jealous as delicious smells wafted across the learning garden!




Key Messages

  • Key vocab: quadrilateral, circumference, radius, diameter, axis, co-ordinates, progressive tenses, prefix, suffix 

  • Spelling rule: Key Stage 2 statutory spellings (we will pick 10 words at random from the list each week for our spelling test)

  • Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime. 

  • Dates: 25th April - Junior maths challenge for anyone who signed up, 13th-16th May - SATS week,