UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
We were treated to a return to school on Monday bookended by beautiful skies. The cohort has returned relaxed and refreshed from the half term break and we have entered the second half of the year feeling optimistic and energised by the lighter mornings and evenings. Our new text for English and reading, Carol-Ann Duffy’s The Lost Happy Endings, received a warm welcome as children were invited to doodle fairytale elements while their teachers read the book aloud for their immersion and inspiration. Maths has seen the revisiting of decimal learning from Year 4 and the consolidation of this before taking on new learning. Classes participated enthusiastically in their science experiment this week, looking at the changing state of solids, considering both reversible and irreversible changes that materials may undergo and considering the reasons for this. Classes enjoyed their PE team-building exercises in the hall. This included activities such as running as a team while holding onto a hula hoop, plus getting into groups of specific, randomly-generated numbers, called out by a classmate. Outside, Ms Foster introduced the classes to lacrosse, which has proven popular with those who are strong runners and hockey players.
Key Messages
Key vocab: folklore, decimals, tenths, hundredths, changing state, permanent, reversible, city state, millennium.
KIRFS: equivalence across decimals, fractions and percentages
Spellings: words with an /or/ sound spelt ‘or
Homework: Thank you for your support with encouraging children to complete their maths homework, spelling practice and reading each week, ready to be checked on Mondays.
Here are the slides for the Hooke Court meeting last half term
Year 6
We can’t believe we have completed our first week of the half term - time really has flown by. During our first week back we have learnt so much and worked incredibly hard. In English, we have been learning about what a discursive piece of writing is and how to structure it. During our planning, we have included rhetorical questions, statistics/facts and our own opinion. Maths has allowed us to explore the world of fractions, decimals and percentages. We have learnt how to convert fractions to decimals, fractions to percentages and decimals to percentages. Electricity is our new topic in science this half term. This week we have been looking at simple circuits and the scientific symbols we use to represent diagrams of circuits. In our books, we drew out diagrams of simple circuits, using a key to represent what components were used. Our D.T lesson left us all starving… Our topic of discussion: burgers! We investigated the nutritional values of many different burgers and we compared which we believed to give the best and the worst nutrients. We cannot wait to start planning out our own burgers and designing the boxes they will come in. Finally, we began our new RE topic - ‘Why do we celebrate new beginnings?’. We were really amazed learning about what the Holi festival is and why Hindus celebrate it. You might have also noticed that we even got to replicate the Holi festival… And yes, we did enjoy it!
Key Messages
Key vocab: Conclusion, Rosh Hashanah, series circuit, percentage of an amount and current.
KIRFs: Consolidation of previous KIRFs topics.
Spelling rule: Plural nouns
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Reading diaries and homework (maths and reading) will be checked on Monday.
Kingdom of Benin workshop has been moved to Wednesday 27th March.