KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
We have had a lovely week back in Year 1, we hope all our Year 1 families had a good half-term break. We have been getting stuck into our new terms subjects of history, RE and DT. In English, we have been busy reading our new book The Days The Crayons Quit, we had fun predicting what the crayons might have written on their signs and enjoyed acting out their different facial expressions. We used an exclamation mark for the first time to add some expression into our writing, we loved using it to make it more exciting! In maths, we have begun to explore numbers to 50 and used a variety of resources to read, make and write numbers. We are taking great pride in our new maths books and are working hard to present our numbers neatly with one number in each box. In history, we discussed what a monarch is and why they are significant, we were being historians and looked at historical pictures of Queen Elizabeth II coronation from 1953!
Key Messages
Key vocab: ‘numbers up to 50’, living, dead, never alive, monarch, coronation
KIRFs: finding one more with numbers to 30
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week
We are looking at the faith of Islam this half-term in RE, if any families who follow this faith would like to come and talk about this to their child's class, please let their teacher know
Year 2
It has been a wonderful week back in Year 2 as we began looking at The Great Fire of London in History and using the friends Vlad and Boxton to help us follow the story from a different perspective. The children have enjoyed being introduced to King Charles II as the ‘Merry Monarch’ and what life was like in 1665 in comparison to London life now. The children have been curious and invested in the details of what challenges people faced.
In maths we have been learning about multiples of two, using number lines, arrays and counting in 2’s to answer different reasoning questions. Making links with doubles and halves will support the children’s understanding of number facts.
The children are enthusiastic about this half term DT topic - Vehicles! They have discussed their favourite vehicles and the different types they come across in their daily lives, this has also linked well with talking about transport in London in 1665.
Key Messages
Key vocab: slums, plague, monarch, Charles II, lifestyle, divide, share, altogether, 5 k’s, Sikhism
Writing focus: We are practising many skills such as inverted commas, expanded noun phrases and possessive apostrophes but full stops and capital letters are something we are always revisiting! Please focus on this.
We have organised a school trip to Bocketts Farm, for 14th March.
We are looking at the faith of Sikhism this half-term in RE, if any families who follow this faith would like to come and talk about this to their child's class, please let their teacher know.