Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.
This week in Reception, we have introduced our new topic of ‘Superheroes’ which has been very successful and enjoyed by all. In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed creating and labeling their own superhero in their writing books, and deciding what makes them ‘super’, using the sounds and red words they have learned so far. We have decided that we are all superheroes because we are brave and kind! In maths, the children have been identifying numbers 9 and 10 and finding them in the environment. The children have been completely immersed in our new role play areas; a hospital and a fire station, which links closely with our ‘Superhero’ topic. We have also learned about different materials this week in science: wood, plastic, metal and fabric. The children have enjoyed sorting the materials into the right category, which has helped to reinforce their learning about the properties they have. With this knowledge, the children have been exploring which material would make the best cape for a superhero, and whether they are suitable for flying in all elements of weather! The wet weather has also brought a lot of enjoyment to the mud kitchen and finding minibeasts in our learning garden.
Key messages
To review the phonics sounds that your child has been learning, please visit the phonics website: https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/reception
Donations of old leggings/trousers, tights and compost would be hugely appreciated.
Please could you give us donations of clean recycling so that we can do some junk modelling. We specifically would love: egg boxes, small boxes, toilet rolls.
For this half term our topic is ‘superheroes’, including ‘people who help us’. We would love for the children to see a real life superhero and hear about what they do on a daily basis. If you are a doctor, dentist, police officer, firefighter etc., or know someone who would be willing to come and talk to Reception, please contact Miss Taylor or Mrs Boyce through the EYFS inbox.