
Where's your special place?
Week beginning 21st November
This week in Reception, the children have begun learning to read and write words with special friends (sh, th, ch, qu). These are 2 letters that make 1 sound. As well as learning new sounds, we have learnt new red words (words that we can't decode) and we had fun finding them in the sand.
Our topic learning has focused around 'our special places'. The children loved telling us about the places that were important to them and why - going to the beach, their bedroom, local parks, different countries etc.
We learnt about squares and rectangles and used this new knowledge to make shape homes using paper, loose parts, maths resources, den building. We also practised finding one more and one less using a tens frame when counting passenger off and off our class 'bus' and in The Gingerbread Man story!
Key Messages:
Each week, you can find the phonics videos using this link: Phonics@TheVineyard
Christmas Play: Please help your child to learn their lines at home and do let us know if you are having any issues with sourcing a costume.
Handwriting and Phonics: If you need any copies of the handwriting sheets, please print them off from the Oxford Owl website. We also use this game to help children copy the correct letter formation. Don't forget to look at the Phonics Portal each week for videos of the sounds.
Red words: These are words we can't decode, and we need to learn to read and write them by sight. We have taught the following words: I, put my, no, to, of, me. Please practise them at home with your child.