UKS2 News
Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.
Year 5
In Year 5, we've had an incredibly exciting and hands-on approach to our learning this week. In our mathematics class, the children have taken a deep dive into the world of division, facing the challenge of dividing large numbers using the method of grouping counters. This practical and interactive approach has allowed them not only to understand the concept but to do so with enthusiasm and creativity. Our art lessons have been equally engaging, with the children honing their fine motor skills and unleashing their creativity by crafting their own looms and skillfully weaving yarn onto them. The finished pieces are nothing short of fantastic, showcasing the students' artistic talents. Geography took our young explorers on a fascinating journey, unravelling the intricacies of the global market. The students meticulously mapped out the main imports of the United Kingdom, discovering the origins of some of their favorite foods. This hands-on exploration not only expanded their geographical knowledge but also instilled a sense of appreciation for the interconnectedness of our world. In science, our students engaged in a thought-provoking lesson, learning to identify the suitable properties of kitchen items. They delved into understanding why certain items are made from specific materials, connecting science to their everyday lives. As a highlight of the week, our English lessons integrated writing and problem-solving skills, challenging the students to collaboratively and individually devise an escape plan from the infamous Alcatraz Prison. This thrilling activity not only fostered teamwork but also showcased the children's ingenuity and critical thinking abilities.
Key Messages
Key vocab: instructional, divisor, dividend, quotient, warp, weft, soluble, manufactured.
KIRFS: Recall of all factors of any given number up to 50
Spellings: Nouns with -ness suffix
Year 5 residential letter here.
Year 6
In Year 6, our focus this week in English has been writing our letters home as Michael. We have accurately used a range of advanced punctuation in our writing including dashes and colons. This term, a big focus will be on editing and improving our own writing to show off all of our potential. The letters have been engaging and packed full of description about the adventures at sea. Our algebra topic has come to an end and we have mastered the tricky concept of writing and solving two-step equations. Next week, we are going to be doing some assessments to see just how much we have learnt and remembered since the Autumn term. We know this is a lot! In science, we were working collaboratively and scientifically to create periscopes. We were very impressed that they actually worked - we were able to sit under the table and see things above it! We also learnt about Percy Shaw and his clever invention of ‘cat’s eyes’. Dreams and Goals is the name of our PSHE topic for this half term. We have been thinking about setting ourselves a SMART learning target and then breaking it down into achievable steps for success. Art has been a lot of fun (and quite messy) as we were able to use ink, cotton buds and rollers to start experimenting with different printing techniques. We quickly learnt that the simpler our design, the more effective the outcome!
As a school, we will be celebrating International Day on Friday 2nd February. In Y6, we are going to be encouraging the children to share information about their own background and teach each other about the countries they are from.
Key Messages
Key vocab: refraction,push and pull factors, perseverance, mono-printing, assessments
KIRFs: square and cube numbers
Spelling rule: silent letters
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Reading diaries and homework will be checked on Monday
If you have a spare/old shirt, which could be used in art lessons, please send this in for your child.
The next installment of £150 for PGL is due February 28th