LKS2 News
Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
This week in Year 3 we have been practising our use of rhetorical questions to engage our reader at the start of an explanation text based on ‘The street beneath my feet’. We have enjoyed learned technical vocabulary linked to our underground topic. In Maths, we have been solving problems which involve dividing 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number, using partitioning to help us. We have been checking our answers using the inverse operation of multiplication. We have also started our new KIRFS topic recalling the 3 times tables. In Geography we have been continuing our learning about North America by focusing on the six climate zones which can be found there. We learnt how latitude and distance from the equator affects the climate of an area. In Science, we have been further exploring rocks, using venn diagrams to classify and group them. In PSHE, we have loved sharing our dreams and goals for the future! Whilst in Art we have been exploring painting L.S Lowry’s ‘matchstick men’ using different tool to create interesting effects.
International Day
We are very excited to be celebrating International Day on Friday 2nd February, in which we will celebrate the places we have come from and learn from one another’s different cultures. Children will have the opportunity to dress in traditional clothes from their countries (or the colours to match their national flag). Part of the afternoon will include a show and tell. If you have an item that you feel would be appropriate for your child to bring in, could you please add it to the list on this document. Thank you!
Key Messages
Key vocab: equator, latitude, longitude, continent, North America
KIRFs: Can I recall the 3 times table facts?
Spellings: sub-; submarine, subheading, subdivide, subdividing, subway.
Year 4
This week in Year 4 we have been using cohesive devices and emotive language to recount the event from the story ‘I Talk like a River.’ This has been river-ting. In Maths, we have been solving correspondence problems. We have also started our new topic of Measurements. In Geography we learnt about the upper course of the river, we demonstrated this using sand and water, why not ask your children what they observed during this? Our focus artist for this topic is Stephen Wiltshire. We have been exploring line, marks and texture create shape, and shading when drawing 3D shapes. In Science, we have been further exploring electricity, using venn diagrams to classify appliance. How many appliance do you have in your home? The children explored the different between battery powered and mains powered appliances.
International Day
We are very excited to be celebrating International Day on Friday 2nd February, in which we will celebrate the places we have come from and learn from one another’s different cultures. Children will have the opportunity to dress in traditional clothes from their countries (or the colours to match their national flag). Part of the afternoon will include a show and tell. If you have an item that you feel would be appropriate for your child to bring in, could you please add it to the list on this document. Thank you!
Key Messages:
Key vocab: appliance, texture, bank, bed, upper course, eurosion.
KIRFs: 11 x table
Spellings: prefix ir- irrelevant, irresponsible
Other messages: Sound checks on TTRS!- daily