KS1 News
Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
This week in Year 1 we have been comparing numbers up to 20 using inequality symbols, less than, greater than, and equal to. ‘Estimate’ was our key word this week in maths, where we guessed where the missing numbers are on a number line. In English we have been using different conjunctions to add more detail to our sentences. We introduced the conjunction ‘but’ to compare characters in the story, and we finally started reading The Yeti and the Bird. In art, we have been exploring Henri Matisse’s artwork and had a go at making our own collage, by layering torn pieces of tissue paper onto our canvas. In geography, we used our prior knowledge of the 4 countries of the UK and explored their capital cities. We listened to lots of songs to help us remember what those capital cities are. Our scientist this half-term is David Attenborough, who is also a writer, broadcaster and journalist. We also observed how much our cress has grown, reminding ourselves what plants need to help them grow.
Key Messages
Key vocab: ‘numbers up to 20’, less than, equal to, greater than, collage, cities.
KIRFs: counting in 2s
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit.
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week.
Please use the phonics portal to revisit phonics sounds taught during the week.
Year 2
This week, in Year 2, we have developed our understanding of money and mastered adding pounds and pence. The children have recognised the value of different notes and coins and learned to organise them into pounds and pence before counting the total amount. English and our current text, ‘The Dragon Machine’, has brought serious excitement to Year 2! Using cardboard boxes, egg cartons and other bits of ‘junk’, we recreated the machine George uses in our book and used our models to inspire writing. Science has seen the children exploring and classifying everyday materials. This week, we tested the rigidity of materials by investigating whether they could be bent, twisted, squashed or stretched. Once we tested the materials, we then debated their classification. Some materials were easier to classify than others. For example, rubber proved to be very flexible whereas the plastic ruler could bend but couldn’t twist… Was the plastic tested flexible or rigid? Finally, the children continued to develop their understanding of our local area in geography this week. They developed a key to mark physical and human features that surround the Vineyard School.
Key Messages
Key vocab: key (geography), material, property, value, amount, total, rigid, flexible
Writing focus: embedding expanded noun phrases within sentences
We are looking for volunteers to come into school to share their experiences of Richmond with the children during the last week of term. If you can help with this, please get in touch with Miss Reilly.
We have organised a school trip to Bocketts Farm, for 14th March. Please see your email for further details. If you are able to volunteer, please let us know when completing the consent form.