LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 have hit the ground running this week as we started our new book ‘The street beneath my feet’ in English. We have enjoyed looking at the detailed pictures and the very long fold outs! We have focused on identifying and using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions in our writing to explain what might be under the ground we walk on. In maths, we have been using our times tables knowledge and our reasoning skills to solve multiplication questions and to re-cap multiples of 10. In science, we have been utilising our observational skills to compare different types of rocks. Learning how different rock types have been formed will help us to sort rocks into metamorphic, sedimentary or igneous in our next lessons. Meanwhile, in art, we began studying a new artist, L.S Lowry, who was famous for his simplistic figures of ‘matchstick men’ and industrial scenes of the North West of England. We compared the similarities and differences between some of his well known paintings.
Key Messages
Key vocab: sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic,
KIRFs: Can I recall the 3 times table facts?
Spellings: super-; supermarket, superstar, superglue, superpower, supersonic
Other messages: Please remember purple homework spelling books are to be brought to school on Mondays, and reading records every day but most importantly on Mondays for stamping! Thank you
Year 4
Welcome back to the Year 4 newsletter. The children have had an excellent first week back at school. We have hit the ground running with our new topics. In science, we have been exploring different types of electricity. This week we conducted an experiment using static electricity to explore positive and negative attractions. The children used a balloon and cloth to create a charge and pick up tissue paper. Having studied the water cycle from a scientific perspective, in geography we are now looking at the geographical features, especially rivers. This week the children modelled the water cycle outside (in the brief snow) and then used our knowledge to answer questions. Our greatest challenge this week has been the introduction of multiple methods of division. With the help of manipulatives we have been able to equally group and find reminders.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: partition, divide, source, mouth, static, charge, electron
KIRFs: 11 x table
Spellings: - (recap) words ending in -que/gue
Other messages: Carnelian are going swimming from the 26th Jan.