UKS2 News
Find out what we have been up to in Year 5 and 6 this week!
Year 5
Year 5 have been super scientists this week exploring the forces of friction and air resistance. We explored how different surfaces cause more friction than others and devised an experiment showing how the effects of air resistance can be altered. We have delved deeper into our understanding of Buddhism, exploring the Eightfold Path and how Buddhists try to live their life by them. As it is anti-bullying week this week, we were fortunate enough to watch a workshop on bullying, how to identify it and what to do if we or someone else thinks they are experiencing it. Carrying on with Beowulf in English, we have been writing brilliant descriptions of thanes using similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia! Finally, in PE we are really enjoying dodgeball at the moment!
Year 6
In English, we have been writing persuasive letters to Rishi Sunak, to convince him to stop polluting the environment. In DT, we have looked at the different birds of Britain: the goldfinch, pigeon, barn owl, nuthatch, raven, robin and so many more. In PE, we have been doing dodgeball. It has been amazing and we absolutely love it. The skill we focused on this week was dodging. Science has been really fun; we have learned about the harms of alcohol and smoking. Finally, we did some acting to learn about anti-bullying. There were three characters and we had to give them advice.
Brody, Zak and Ian