Read on to find out what we have been up to in GEMS this week.
We have placed focus on our Makaton signing this week as we prepare for the Christmas nativity. All pupils will perform with their allocated Reception class. This is a very exciting challenge and one that puts our pupils in a different setting that requires them to regulate and follow instructions. But most importantly- have fun and celebrate with their families and wider school community. We are very proud of them for their patience in rehearsals and their effort. In Maths, we have been continuing to learn and recognise the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This week, in Zones of Regulation we talked more about “happy and sad” and focused on pupils recognising these feelings and how to deal with them respectively. In phonics, we have been learning the sound ‘p’ and recapping on last week’s sound ‘n’. Please continue Phonics work at home if you can. We also find that Alphablocks, Number Blocks and RWI songs on their websites are a great source of fun and education.
Key messages
Please practise writing and saying the set 1 sounds at home, using the phonics website by Ruth Miskin to help you. Link here.
Reading books: please note we don’t expect children to be able to read the story books that they have chosen to bring home. They are for you to read to them.
The Nativity performances are at 9.30am: 5th December (Topaz), 6th December (Opal), 7th December (Jade). Please let pupils wear a festive/ Christmas jumper on the day of their nativity. Do not buy one if you don’t already own. We will source one.
We would be delighted to see you at the Christmas Craft Fair this Saturday 11-2pm.
Pick up time for Gems pupils is 3pm. Please try to be prompt so we can maximise the time we have to set up for the next day’s learning.