Read on to find out what UKS2 have been up to.
Year 5
Last week in Year 5 was a busy, fun time. In indoor P.E, we were hitting and striking; we used our hands instead of rackets to play balloon tennis. We also balanced a tennis ball on a tennis racket and then did tap ups and tap downs. We also tried to tap the ball up while flipping the racket. It was a fun activity. In outdoor P.E. we were kicking and dribbling a football. There were two separate football games - one game was only girls and the other was only boys.
In art, we used inspiration from Fernando Botero to draw still life objects using a tomato and carrot. We had to position them next to each other and sketch. Then we had to colour match and shade to show the light reflecting off the carrot and tomato. If you finished early, you could add shadows to your drawing.
Last Friday, we came to school in our pyjamas or comfy clothes. This was because we had a reading celebration. It was called pyjamarama.
In geography, we used a population pyramid to see how many males and females lived in Richmond in 2021 versus 2011. We also focused on the ages in the population pyramid and discussed which kind of people live in Richmond and when we go outside, which kind of people we see.
By Chloe and Ira, Starlite
Key Messages
Key vocab: million, persuasive language, axial tilt, questionnaire, still life
KIRFs: Can I recall multiplication scaling facts by 10 and 100?
Please make your Y5 school trips donation as this covers the Space Dome visit
Homework/spelling to be assessed Monday 2nd October
Please support our whole school reading outcomes by signing your child’s reading record daily. Thank you for your support
Year 6
We have had a really productive and busy week. On Wednesday, they were very lucky to partake in the ‘Rocky Steady’ workshop. They have also had their individual/sibling photos taken, where many smiles were shown. During English this week, the children have been continuing to pick apart Macbeth and his encounter with the three witches. We have seen the children create some descriptive dialogue between the valiant Macbeth and the creepy witches. In maths, the children have started their new topic; focusing on the four operations. So far, they have covered addition and subtraction, multiples, prime numbers and factors. One class even had the chance to show their work on their tables… Finally, it has been lovely to see so many of the children with their reading records signed every morning. We have been overly impressed with the engagement and the passion shown by the children. Please keep impressing us Year 6!
Key Messages:
For science next week, we require some cardboard - if you have any spare boxes etc please send them in on Monday.
Homework is due on Monday 2nd October.
Please make sure reading records are in school every day.
Spelling rules: Double consonant before -ing/-ed suffix
Key vocab: Multiplication, division, adaptation, biome, deforestation and collage
- KIRFs: Can I identify all prime numbers to 100?