Sport News
Festival of Sport 2023
Spread across four days children from reception to year 6 took part in a festival of sport showcasing their skills.
The week had a mixed weather forecast! Years 1 and 2 were determined to finish all their carousel stations, despite the rain, and whilst we did have to cut it short for safety, the year 1 and 2 sprinters returned during the reception festival to complete their fastest race.
The intent for PE is not solely focussed on becoming a better mover, an important factor is being a team player, collaborating with others, being inclusive, playing to rules, and showing leadership qualities. The human knot and tug of war challenged all our children in this aspect!
This year the children were introduced to four young sport personality winners
1 - Phil Foden (Footballer) 2 - Andy Murray (Tennis) 3 - Sky Brown (Skateboarding) 4 - Jessica Gadirova (Gymnastics)
For each token they received from their teacher on the day (for demonstrating the intent of PE), they could then choose which personality to give it to, using the token box. And the winner is... PHIL FODEN and in second place Skye Brown
Thank you to all the parents and family friends that came to support. Having a crowd watch you is such an important part of performance.