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Reception News

Click here to find out more about our learning in Reception this week!

Week beginning 3rd July 2023

Reception have been as busy as ever this week!

We have learned all about fossils this week, and a famous palaeontologistMary Anning from the past. The children found the process as to how a fossil is formed fascinating! Why not ask them to explain the process at home...

In maths, we have been creating repeated patterns with more complicated patterns, and we have begun learning to count in 10s.

In art, we mixed ingredients together to make saltdough. We kneaded and moulded the dough, the imprinted a dinosaur into the dough to make a fossil. 

Our Festival of Sports was fun yesterday; we were so lucky with the weather and the children were so brilliant at having a go at every activity. We felt very proud of them! Thank you for coming along to support them. 

This week, we have been reading: 

Mary Anning (Little People, Big Dreams)

Key Messages:

Family Story Time: Our final family story time will be on Tuesday 18th July at 2.50pm. As usual, please come to the classroom door for 2.50pm. The school gates will be opened between 2.40pm and 2.50pm for you to enter the school site. 

Reading Books: The children's reading folders and books will be collected on next Wednesday. Please have a look at home for any ones that may be not been handed in yet. Thank you.