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UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to this week!

Year 5:

This week, the children have studied the life cycles of marsupials, monotremes and birds. They were fascinated to learn that marsupials give birth to underdeveloped young that continue growth within a mother’s pouch. We also released our butterflies which successfully reached adulthood and developed strong wings. The children loved looking after them and observing their growth. It was quite an emotional farewell! In English, we finished our stories- ‘A Snail’s Journey- and began planning and writing a personal poem about ourselves as members of Year 5 We had an array of finished poems: from poems focused on curiosity and bravery, to poems celebrating ‘giggling attacks’ and sporting talents.  The children were very proud of their final outcomes. Maths lessons have focused on decimals- we have built upon Y4 learning to add and subtract decimals with the same amount of decimal places. This provided a super opportunity for the children to explore their reasoning skills (e.g. explaining the importance of accurately lining numbers up and remembering place holders). Finally, in art, we completed our self-portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo, using acrylic paint to convey symbolism. 

We wish everyone a well-deserved break and  look forward to our final half-term! 

Key Messages

  • Key vocab: forward, backwards, left, right, properties, land art, desert

  • KIRFs: doubles and halves revision 

Year 6

In our final week of a very exciting half-term, we have been reflecting on our trip to Osmington Bay. In English, we have been writing a promotional brochure for PGL. We have thought of our own slogans such as eat, sleep, activities, repeat! In maths, we have been completing a series of nrich challenges (created by Cambridge University). These open-ended questions enable us to dive deeper into a subject and apply our knowledge to a reasoning problems. If you would like to attempt any nrich challenges find them here: The sun has been smiling on us all week and we have made the most of the beautiful weather. We continued our striking unit in PE and had a rounders game where we saw many home runs. Another activity we had in the sun was our class photo, it is always a special event in the year and a way to remember our year 6 experience. To finish this week, we partook in the famous VIneyard Bounceathon, a massive thank you to the PTA who put on this incredible event!.

Everyone in Year 6 hopes that you have a lovely (and relaxing) half term.

  • Saksham & Mr Jones