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Reception News

Click here to find out more about learning in Reception this week. 

Week beginning 15th May 2023

An exciting week to complete this half-term! We have proudly said farewell to our butterflies, and enjoyed watching them fly off into our learning garden, maybe they will come back to visit our lovely new flowers...

In maths, we are learning to look for patterns in numbers; learning to identify doubles and odd and even numbers. Doubles means twice as many or adding the same number. Even numbers can be shared equally into 2 groups and odd numbers cannot be shared equally in two because there is an 'odd one out' left over.


In topic, we tried to remember which was our left and right hand so we could programme the Code and Go mice to reach the yummy cheese. ​For our English this week, we were retelling the story on The Very Hungry Caterpillar and learning how to complete a word search to find red words.

On Thursday, we celebrated the end of the mini beast topic with our Ugly Bug Ball. We enjoyed talking about our costumes and especially enjoyed hearing the children's explanations for their homemade costumes.  Reception completed our busy week challenging our friends to see how we could complete the most bounces in one minute in our school Bounceathon.

Have a lovely half term! 

This week we have been reading:

Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis, Tony Ross | Waterstones Centipede's 100 Shoes : Ross, Tony: Books

Key Messages: 

Thank you! We are so grateful for the families who gave a large donation towards paying for our dinosaur workshop. Without that generosity, we would have had to cancel it.

Weather After half-term, hopefully the weather will continue to shine so please remember to send your children into school with named sunhats and suncream as appropriate.