KS1 News
Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
We have had a lovely first week back in Year 1. We have enjoyed getting stuck in to our new wider curriculum subjects this term which are; geography, art and RE. In geography this term we are learning about Earth at its extremes! We used different maps and atlases to locate and discuss the 7 continents. We loved using Google Earth to find Europe! In art, we introduced our new artist Andy Goldsworthy and reflected on some of his sculptures. We carefully considered the different natural resources he used to create his art and shared how the sculptures made us feel. In English, we found a bag with a space suit in and a rocket left on the carpet! They belonged to Astrid the character in our new book Astro Girl. We used the clues in Astrid’s bag to make predictions about her and what we thought she might be… we were right, she is an astronaut! We had fun designing a rocket to help Astrid fly into space. We used our knowledge of materials from our science learning to correctly label the different parts of our designs.
Key Messages
Key vocab: country, continent, sculpture, natural resources, materials
KIRFs: revising finding one more and one less of numbers to 50
Please bring spelling books each Monday for the test and new set of words.
Year 2
We have had a wonderful week in Year 2 as we enjoy sunnier days and new curriculum topics introduced to help the children explore new skills. In English we read The Gigantic Turnip which has lead us to write descriptions, conversations and a sequence of ideas. The children have been amused by the new farm animal characters and the gigantic turnip that wouldn’t move! One of our main focus in these lessons has been encouraging the children to use their spellings correctly in their sentences by using a word mat or spellings listed on our classroom displays. In DT we concluded our topic by creating vehicles that have the essential parts we have learnt about such as, a body, a base, wheels, axles and chassis.
Key Messages
Key vocab: inverted commas, quarter, third, whole, bulbs, seeds, buddhism, luxury
Spelling rule: suffix ‘ed’
Timetable rockstars is now available to practise the 2/5/10’s timetables. Please use Numbots login to access.
Please check your child’s spelling test that will be sent by the end of the week. Please practise the words that have not been highlighted.