LKS2 News
Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
It has been such a delight to welcome Year 3 back this week and they’ve jumped straight back in with enthusiasm and a strong appetite for learning! In English, we have read The Tin Forest, and are using expanded noun phrases to describe in preparation for our comparative setting description which we will write next week. Maths has seen an end to our unit on measurement, and we have returned to fractions, where children have reviewed and extended their understanding of fractions including numerators, denominators, whilst learning to add and subtract those with common denominators. In geography, we have looked at UK counties and practised our compass navigation skills, whilst in PSHE the children have shown a strong understanding of ‘stereotypes’, and recognised how stereotypes can be both unfair and inaccurate. The highlight of the week (according to the children!) was learning about forces in science, and exploring the many different ways in which we push and pull.
Key Messages
Key vocab: adjective, noun, force, push, pull, county, stereotype, tenth
Spelling rule: homework review dis- and in- prefixes
KIRFs: Counting in tenths 1/10, starting from next week
Year 4
It has been an exciting first week back in Year 4 this week. Our new topics of ‘earthquakes and volcanoes’ and ‘living things and their habitats’ are already sparking the children’s curiosity. In English, we are diving back into narrative writing by creating our own fantastical Narnia-inspired characters to put in our stories. We have been thinking about how we can describe the characters appearance and ‘show not tell’ the characters personality. Who’s your favourite story character? Separate to the core curriculum, we have also been starting our preparations for the Multiplication Tables Check in June with regular practice on TTRS. A new tournament will be starting soon!
Key Messages
MTC preparation - please practise times tables daily!
Key vocab: physical features, tectonic plates, partitioning, narrative
Spelling rule: words ending in -ous
KIRFs: multiplying and dividing 1-digit numbers by 10 and 100.
Parent workshop on the timetables check on Friday 28th April at 3:15 in Zircon class