Dear all families,
Happy Eid to all our families who are celebrating!
It has been wonderful to see all the children back at school after the break. I hope you all had a lovely time. The children certainly seem ready for the summer term.
In school, this week, we have been discussing how we can develop our reading culture and the children's love of reading. It is an essential skill and can bring so much pleasure. There is some clear data that children who leave primary school not reading at the expected level do not achieve as well as those who have a richer reading diet at secondary school. Learning to read cannot be something just done at school. It relies on families reading with the children too - both children reading aloud and adults reading to them. Believe me, children in Year 6 are not too old to listen to a story. We are launching a new section in the newsletter which will have recommendations from children and adults of books to read, please see below.
On 27th April and 2nd May there are teacher strikes. Please see the letter here for which classes will be open.
We are re-launching our Friends of The Vineyard fund, to raise funds for the school. More information can be found here.
The summer term brings lots of exciting events starting with the Coronation Street Party on Friday 5th May. The children will be asked to come to school dressed in red, white or blue on that day, enjoy a picnic lunch (weather permitting), take part in a whole school assembly, make flags and crowns and have some optional homework which will be to draw a portrait of King Charles III. More information on this to follow.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -