Dear families,
It was so lovely to have a school full of children dressed in their comfortable reading clothes, many pyjamas, on Friday. The children enjoyed talking about their favourite books and what reading means to them!
Excitement has been high in year 2 this week. They have started their new writing unit on Traction Man, and unbeknown to the children, he had hidden himself all over the school. The buzz and happiness of the children as they found him in his various hiding places will definitely lead to some wonderful writing.
Next week, we are looking forward to our second whole school geography fieldwork day (reception will be doing theirs in the summer term). Classes will be going to the river, Richmond Park, and into Richmond town. Year 6 are visiting a newly built office block and will be finding out about the building’s sustainable features.
Thank you to those who attended our evening where we launched our Vineyard Vision and to those who would like to join virtually, we have rearranged the meeting for 04.10.24 at 2pm. Please join here. Sorry for the technical issues this morning. Our next parent engagement event is a workshop on Behaviour for Learning on Tuesday 15th October at 9.15am. This has been timed to follow the Open Classrooms event, an opportunity for your child to show you their books, 8.45-9.15am.
A very important date is coming up in the PTA diary - PTA AGM, 09.10.2024 at 7pm in school - please put it in your diaries and come along if you can.
Please do speak to me or a member of the team on the gate in the morning or email me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -