Dear all families,
I hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed the lovely winter sunshine despite the freezing temperatures.
Sophie from Young Carers came to do an assembly on Monday for our Key Stage Two children. If you think your child is a young carer, and would like to know more about the support on offer, please get in touch with Ms McArdle. Young Carers include children who have a sibling with special educational needs or have a member of their family who is ill or disabled.
Excitement is building for International Day, which is on Friday 2nd February. We are asking children to come in wearing clothes that represent the country they are from. This could be traditional clothing from their country, the colours of the flag etc. The teachers will also be planning activities. If they need your help, they will write to you directly. The PTA are also running an 'international' themed cake sale and some activity workshops after school. If you would like to volunteer to run an activity, please contact the PTA on Ideas include piñata making, teaching a national dance, origami and henna designs. Please feel free to suggest any other ideas.
I hope to see many of you at the family workshop on Monday at 2.30pm, where we are launching our new Vineyard RE (religious education) curriculum.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -