Dear all families,
I would like to extend a warm welcome to the families that have started The Vineyard this week. Reception and Gems children are settling in well to their new routines.
I strongly encourage all families to read the whole newsletter each week to read the whole newsletter including the latest news sections for: reading, your phase group, music, sport and the dates at the end. The newsletter is a really important part of our school's communication. Following parents' feedback, we have worked hard to streamline it as much as possible, and it is full of important information. I understand fully how busy life is - at one point I had three children in three different schools and the amount I had to read to keep on top of things was vast! If anyone has any feedback on our communication and or the newsletter, we are always happy to hear it. Please email me at the address below.
Today has been really fun, with children in pyjamas or the comfy clothing they like to wear when reading at home. As a school, we are focussing on reading but not just the mechanics of decoding, as we really want all children to develop a love of reading. Research shows that the more children read, the better their vocabulary. This then supports their learning across the curriculum.
Homework begins again on Monday. Please see our homework policy which will let you know what homework your child will be receiving.
Finally, thank you very much to all who have paid the £100 contribution for the year. If you prefer to pay in instalments, please ask the office to set this up. Exciting trips and workshops are being booked
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -